
Martina Jaider (Bozen, Italien, 1977) ist eine Portrait-, Mode- und Architekturfotografin.
Nach dem Fotografiestudium am Europäischen Institut für Design in Mailand, Italien, absolvierte sie einen sechsmonatigen Austausch an der Universität von Canberra, Australien, Studium Fotografie und Grafik.
Nach dem Studium arbeitete sie in Mailand bei Industria Superstudio als Fotoassistentin für David Lachapelle, Fabrizio Ferri, Patrick Demarchelier, Tommaso Sartori.
Martina Jaider wird mit 23 Jahren Fotografin und arbeitet für mehrere Zeitschriften (Streeetfashion, Sport & Street, Trend, Fit for Fun, Nautica, Mono Lab, Trax, Freundlich, Mujer 21, Zoom on Fashiontrends, 20 anni, Top Girl, Rolling Stone , Playlist, Elle Russland,
Pig Magazine, Hot, Venus, AB, Deluxx, Cool Schrank, Franzmagazine,
FF - Wochenmagazine, Dolomiten, INSüdtirol)
und Marken (Pitti, Eastpack, Lexmark, Chicco, Bread & butter, Thun, Oberrauch Zitt, Vigilius Mountain Resort, noa* - network of architecture, SMG, IDM, EURAC, Louis Vuitton).

Martina Jaider (Bolzano, Italia, 1977) fotografa di ritratto, moda e architettura.
Dopo aver studiato fotografia presso l'Istituto Europeo di Design di Milano, Italia, ha completato sei mesi di erasmus presso l'Università di Canberra, in Australia, studiando fotografia e arti grafiche.
Dopo gli studi ha lavorato a Milano presso l'Industria Superstudio come assistente fotografo per David LaChapelle, Fabrizio Ferri, Patrick Demarchelier, Tommaso Sartori.
Martina Jaider diventata fotografa a 23 anni e lavora per diverse riviste (Streeetfashion, Sport & Street, Trend, Fit for Fun, Nautica, Mono Lab, Trax, Amichevole, Mujer 21, Zoom on Fashiontrends, 20 Anni, Top Girl, Rolling Stone , Playlist, Elle Russia,
Pig Magazine, Hot, Venere, AB, Deluxx, Cool Schrank, Franzmagazine,
FF - Wochenmagazine, Dolomiten, INSüdtirol)
e marchi (Pitti, Eastpack, Lexmark, Chicco, Bread & butter, Thun, Oberrauch Zitt, Vigilius Mountain Resort,
noa* - network of architecture, SMG, IDM, EURAC, Louis Vuitton).

Martina Jaider (Bozen, Italy, 1977) a portrait, fashion and architecture photographer.
After having studied Photography at the European Institute of Design in Milano - Italy, she completed a six month exchange at the University of Canberra - Australia, studying photography and graphic arts.
After studies she worked in Milano, Industria Superstudio as photo assitant for David LaChapelle, Fabrizio Ferri, Patrick Demarchelier, Tommaso Sartori.
Martina Jaider became photographer with 23 years and worked for several Magazines (Streeetfashion, Sport & Street, Trend, Fit for Fun, Nautica, Mono Lab, Trax, Friendly, Mujer 21, Zoom on fashion trends, 20 anni, Top Girl, Rolling Stone, Playlist, Elle Russia,
Pig Magazine, Hot, Venus, AB, Deluxx, Cool Schrank, Franzmagazine,
FF - Wochenmagazine, Dolomiten, IN Südtirol)
and brands (Pitti, Eastpack, Lexmark, Chicco, Bread & butter, Thun, Oberrauch Zitt, Vigilius Mountain Resort,
noa* - network of architecture, SMG, IDM, EURAC, Louis Vuitton).
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